Hyperstructured information
How – Hyperstructured information
1LANGUAGE is a 'smart language'. A smart language is just like a traditional language that you can speak, listen to or read, yet it is composed out of small algorithmic parts that make language do things that go well beyond the abilities of traditional languages.
1LANGUAGE, for instance, can translate itself into other languages or understand questions and reply to them in almost all frequently spoken languages. It also facilitates machines, products and things to speak with humans and vice versa. The basic idea behind smart languages is to make language or data 'hyperstructured'.
1LANGUAGE can be considered a meta-language that helps to create structure in information. That structure itself is actually information that makes information smart, so that this information can be interpreted and interact with other information.
Inspired by natural design principles, 1LANGUAGE is facilitated by UETP (the Uniform Entity and Transaction Protocol) and makes use of two building blocks that provide hyperstructure:
- the U3ID (UETP Universally Unique Identifier) and
- the USEN (UETP Semantic Extension Number)
Hyperstructure of information is created in four steps:
- Determine the U3ID(s).
- Determine the USEN(s).
- Compose an interpretable information address with the U3ID(s) and USEN(s).
- Assign a value to the information address.
Below is a brief explanation on hyperstructuring information, which is followed by a concrete example:
1. Determine the U3ID(s)
The U3ID itself is determined in two steps: First, an unambiguous understanding is established to who or what the information pertains to.
The respective entity or group of entities ('this person', 'that transaction', 'these apples', etc.) is identified to which the information pertains to. The entity or group of entities is identified with a universally unique identifier which is part of the U3ID.
Secondly, the type, subtype, administrative- and other specifications of the entity's interaction possibilities are classified into a code and included to complete the U3ID.
Classification of interaction possibilities provides some 'grammar' on how the information (of the entity) must, should, could and would interact with other information. As a result, the (entity) information and above all identifier, becomes smart and can appropriately interact with its environment. In case there are more entities involved (for instance when a relationship between entities is described), additional U3IDs for these entities need to be established.
2. Determine the USEN(s)
The USEN represents an unambiguous meaning for the entity's characteristics (frequently referred to as the entity's attributes).
The USEN is established by describing the different relevant contexts of the information, in order to establish precision context and to avoid ambiguity when the information is interpreted.
The pieces of individual contextual information are called 'quantum semantics'. The contextual information is translated into a quantum semantic identifier (which representation is available in most spoken languages). The quantum semantic identifiers of the different contexts together make up the USEN which can be interpreted, processed, queried and rendered in all languages for which the USEN and underlying quantum semantic identifiers are available.
3. Compose an interpretable information address with U3ID(s) and USEN(s)
The earlier established U3IDs and USENs together can be combined in a universally interpretable information address, signifying both meaning and to who or what the information pertains.
4. Assign a value to the interpretable information address
The final step is to assign a value to that information address. That value can be a name, number or a USEN describing meaning in its various contexts.
An example
A brief hyperstructured information example is given for defining and declaring the speed of a car.
The four step process described above could result in the following steps:
Step 1: Determine the U3ID(s)
The first challenge is to identify the car to which the car speed pertains to. A specific car can have a universally unique U3ID identifier and that is the first structure that is provided. There is an unambiguous understanding to what the speed pertains to, “this car and not any other car or any other entity”.
Thereafter, entities (and their U3IDs) have type and subtype classifications that provide 'grammatical rights' that facilitate or restrict the entity (in this case the car) to interact with other entities, be they events, persons, devices, requests, etc.
The car can be classified as an “Object Entity”. An Object Entity does not have rights by itself. As a result, the car cannot request or make decisions by itself in relation to its rights or the rights of other entities. Should the car with its U3ID be classified as a “Subject Entity”, the car could have rights by itself. In that case, the car could interact autonomously with other entities (most probably with a relation to other Subject Entities that are responsible and that can set permissions for the car's interactions).
Step 2: Determine the USEN(s)
The 'car speed' should be defined with sufficiently precise contextual information so that it can be interpreted unambiguously by its relevant environment.
The first context that 1LANGUAGE requires to be defined is an interrogative context. An interrogative context is the context to which the information provides an answer. Does the information respond to the question who?, what?, how?, how much or how many?, why? or when and where? This interrogative context is provided in order to ask entities, like the car, questions.
The car could receive the question what? and could respond with information that is defined with such context, like the car type and car make (if both 'car type' and 'car make' have been defined in the context that they can respond to the question 'what?').
The interrogative context in this case of car speed is 'how much or how many?'.
In this example, car speed is more precisely defined as actual car speed (as opposed to average or maximum speed or engine or wheel speed). As actual car speed is measured in time, its data storage should be accompanied by date and time information.
Let's provide further context by stating that the actual car speed is determined in kilometers per hour.
All these contextual parts (referred to as quantum semantics) are represented with a certain code that can be processed and interpreted. These contextual parts with their codes are translated in many languages.
Putting all contextual parts together, would give us the following composite expression:
“Responding to the question 'how much or how many', actual car speed, measured in kilometers per hour”.
Step 3: Compose an interpretable information address with U3ID(s) and USEN(s)
With the U3ID of the specific car and the expression “Responding to the question 'how much or how many', actual car speed, measured in kilometers per hour” that is represented by a USEN, we can now create a uniform and universally unique information address that can be universally interpreted:
U3ID of the specific car : USEN as a specific contextual definition of car speed
The information address tells us to what the information pertains to (the specific car) and what it means (the specific contextual definition of car speed).
Moreover, the logic of the U3ID and USENs is interpretable by most frequently spoken languages and can be queried in all these languages.
This leaves us with a final step, to assign a value to the information address.
Step 4: Assign a value to the interpretable information address.
The last step is to assign a value to the information address. Let's say 100.
U3ID:USEN = 100
'this car':'actual car speed in kilometers per hour (defined in context)' = 100
The identifier points to a specific car. This identification is language agnostic, it doesn't matter what language you speak. The U3ID is like a virtual address of the car. Just like it doesn't matter what language you speak when you dial a telephone number, you can connect to the car.
All the quantum semantic concepts that make up the composite expression with its USEN:
- actual
- speed
- in the context of
- car
- kilometers (defined as plural of kilometer)
- responding to the question how much or how many
are translated in a wide variety of languages. As a result, the information cannot only be understood in many languages, it can also be queried in as many languages.
With 1LANGUAGE, information dynamically crosses the boundaries of natural languages and software applications.