Universal connectivity
How - Universal connectivity
When we write each other a letter, we use postal addresses to 'connect'.
When we call each other by phone, we use 'telephone addresses', or better, telephone numbers to connect.
When our servers and devices connect over the internet with each other, we use internet addresses, or IP addresses.
Likewise, we use entity addresses on the Internet of Entities.
All the above addresses have in common that they are universally unique (with postal addresses this may not always be the case, especially when insufficient context is provided). This implies that there can only be one unambiguous connection point.
The entity address is synonymous to a U3ID (Universal Entity and Transaction Protocol Universally Unique Identifier). Because of its universally uniqueness, the U3ID is globally accessible.
Moreover, the U3ID is a virtual address, tied to the entity and its information, rather than to a home or office, telephone connection or internet connection. Because of its virtual nature, the entity is omnipresent and multipresent. The entity may technically spoken be available on a (number of) server(s) or device(s), virtually it can be at the same time accessible and available in Karachi, Lima and Paris.
As an entity can literally be anyone or anything, entity addresses basically can connect anyone or anything with each other as the picture below demonstrates.
Just connecting two entities by connecting two entity identifiers, is not going to be very useful. It starts to become interesting when two entities can exchange meaning and value on the basis of a shared understanding. This is exactly where 1LANGUAGE comes into play:
“1LANGUAGE facilitates that entities on the Internet of Entities can meaningfully interact, share and exchange information and value with each other.”
In addition, 1LANGUAGE provides U3IDs with an option to be smart. The U3ID can have type and subtype information of an entity that prescribes interaction conditions and possibilities of this specific entity with other entities.
The Internet of Entities, of which 1LANGUAGE is a part, is created and maintained by three distinct initiatives and corresponding communities that focus on different expertise and solution domains:
- 1LANGUAGE aims to unite language
- 1SPACETIME aims to unite in connectivity in virtual spacetime
- 1VALUE aims to unite (economic) purpose
Everyone can make universally unique identifiers on the Internet of Entities (U3IDs), following certain rules. Still, claiming universal uniqueness of a specific U3ID is done by means of a distributed identifier register, DENARS (Distributed Entity Naming and Attribute Registration Services). Inspired by blockchain technologies, yet resolving some of its design flaws, around performance, efficiency, governance, earnings models and other biases, the DENARS register is being created, established and maintained by the 1SPACETIME community.
The U3IDs and their distributed DENARS register provide solutions on the universal connectivity of everyone and everything.